Friday, July 20, 2012

It must be 3pm.....

...because the WHAT IN THE WORLD AM I GOING TO MAKE FOR DINNER panic is upon me!

It is at this point I hit the cook books or the net.  I did make up a successful potato thing the other day.  Strange experimental cooking of mine, is generally a disaster, but this one panned out.  I  boiled red skinned potatoes, and blended them ( in the blender) with steamed broccoli, onion, garlic and vegan cheese.  Then I baked them in little patties in the oven til they went a little crisp.  They were a rather startling shade of green, but the critics were benevolent and amused by the color!  We count this as success #4.  Now should I duplicate that tonight and serve with edamame??  Or should I venture to put something new in front of them and ask myself.....

I know, I know, life on the edge - you are just biting your knuckles for me aren't you?!!!

I think I will try the lovely green potato croquettes then I can take pictures of them and you can all marvel at the green potato!!

Stay tuned for the update!!


Oh dear dear dear.  Nothing but complaints.  Very frustrating as this was an approved item previously.  Small Human ate hers, Medium Human went off in a huff proclaiming she wasn't going to eat it!  ( Medium Human will be hungry later and not be fed more food, so it will end badly for her)  But I know some of you will nod your heads in solidarity with me because your kids too decide they don't want to eat something vs they dont like it.  This happens often here, but isn't generally tolerated.

Anyway for your viewing pleasure I present funky green veggie medallions!


At least the chef was not shot....although she may have confidence issues and a slight nervous tick developing!!!

Tomorrow's audience will be MUCH kinder.  I am cooking vegan food for friends for dinner.

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