Monday, July 30, 2012

Meatless Monday (sort of like every other day of the week!!)

Hello, hello and welcome to another week of experiments on my Small and Medium Humans.  Medium Human was de-veganized last week at camp, so I am expecting her critic skills to be at a very high level this week!

On the offering block tonight, I am going for the vegan version of an old fave - baked potato night!!!

I also no longer microwave if I can help it, (apparently it massively depletes the nutrients in your foods, and as I now eat and feed my humans specifically for nutrition I stopped nuking stuff)  This means I do have to crank up the oven...but I can brush a little olive oil on the spuds first, so the critics may enjoy them a little more.

I would like to add that in a RARE special guest appearance Captain Picky Pants WILL be eating what I make for dinner!!!  He will only slap butter, cheese, and salt on his, but hey, it is a rare occurrence.


Red Skinned potatoes 1 per person  (FOUR!!!! Tonight)
1 can Heinz Baked Beans ( the UK version)  A more tomato based sauce, and vegan!
1 tub Tofutti Vegan Sour Cream
Daiya Cheddar Cheese
Brush of olive oil.

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 367 g
Amount Per Serving
Calories from Fat
% Daily Value*
Total Fat
Saturated Fat
Trans Fat
Total Carbohydrates
Dietary Fiber
Vitamin A 11%Vitamin C 20%
Calcium 13%Iron 19%
Nutrition Grade B

PS I know the sodium is wrong on this, but it wont register correctly for some reason.  It is more like 495mg Sodium  :)

Sooo I will bake the spuds for about 45 mins in the oven,  brushed with olive oil and perhaps a sprinkle of Himalayan salt. Then personally I will put a teeny bit of Earth Balance on my potato a dob of sour cream and then put my bakes beans right in there too, with the Daiya Cheddar on top.  ( At this point all Brits reading will be going "oooh yes")  Americans might think I am slightly mad, but what can I say, I love Marmite and Vegimite too ( as do the little Humans) and you should try it all mixed in cos it is sublime!

Stay tuned for the results - I am off to cook the spuds!


  The chef was spared!  Although disparaging remarks were made.  :(

BUT I REFUSE to be deterred, they would have been equally enthused about traditional spuds, only the lure of bacon would have made it a success.  Let the record show I have tried "fakin bakin" and (GAG) it isnt something I would push on my dogs!

WOo Hoooo I think I have another success, so this makes it SIX things I can now serve!!!  Sure 3 are breakfast foods, but who has ever known a kid who didn't like breakfast for dinner!!!  Funny, breakfast foods are my LEAST favorite.  I know, call me weird, it won't be the first time!!  LOL


  1. Other good toppings for baked spuds (perhaps not all at the same time): Go mexican--many options here--salsa or salsa verde, sliced jalapeno, diced tomato, guacamole, shredded lettuce. Also I like this combo--sauteed mushrooms with garlic, carmelized onion, wilted spinach. Potatoes are very versatile. The kids actually like theirs with just ketchup, which I find gross.
    I still microwave--not convinced it is bad. But it is nice to finish the taters in the oven so that the skin gets a little crisper. Yummy!
    I think you will get all thumbs up tonight.

    ---Stephanie (not sure why my name is wrong on my account)

  2. Oooh this sounds FAB to me, but sadly the critics will not eat a single raw veggie. ALTHOUGH, they do eat salsa WITH sour cream. Might be a hard sell on the potato. I could try though!

  3. Carmelized onions can add that same depth of flavor that bacon does. just a thought.

  4. LOVE that idea, I would have to caramelize THEN puree. The critics will eat french onion soup, but put an onion that can be identified in anything else and there is MUTINY!
